
Oreo Ice Cream

Oreo Ice cream by Me.

It's been a while since my last post ... Ok, I have been a bit burned out and slack with updating but today I wanna show you a new summer and sweet recipe : Oreo Ice Cream.

Actually, It started yesterday at work while one of my co worker gave me the idea to make an Oreo Ice Cream, "simply, just need yogurt cup, milk and oreo" she said. Hum... Sounds good. Then I asked my mom to buy these cookies!!!

I added other ingredients to "customize" somehow my recipe! You will just need :

For 2 greedy stomach:

- 2 yogurt cup
- milk
- 2 oreos
- Oreo Milka
- Raspberry

1/ Pour yogourt in a bowl. Coarsely crush the oreo, milka chocolate and rasberry.

2/ Pour some yogurt in a bowl, then all the ingredients with some milk. Stir, put into the yogurt cup, put a rod in the middle and put in freezer!

All set?! I'm starving!




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